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Mission Statement

Ehsas welfare Foundation focuses on providing the most effective, evidence-based treatment, exceeding expectations by paying close attention to four key therapeutic principles:

Respect: We treat others as we would wish to be treated. This respect is the building block of
Ehsas welfare Foundation that pervades everything we do, how we conduct ourselves and how we interact with each other. 

Gratitude: We feel privileged that clients and their families put their trust in us. 

Empathy: We support our clients through the good times and the bad, free from judgment. 

Humility: No matter how proficient we are at treating addiction, alcoholism and attitudinal problems, we know that the client is always the expert in his own recovery. 

As there is always another and delightful way of looking at the world, our attitude healing program works on following twelve principles 

  • The Essence Of Our Being Is Love 

  • Health Is Inner Peace, Healing Is Letting Go Of Fear 

  • Giving And Receiving Are The Same 

  • We Can Let Go Of The Past And Of The Future 

  • Now Is The Only Time There Is And Each Instant Is For Giving 

  • We Can Learn To Love Ourselves And Others By Forgiving Rather Than Judging 

  • We Can Become Love Finders Rather Than Fault-Finders 

  • We Can Choose And Direct Ourselves To Be Peaceful Inside Regardless Of What Is Happening Outside 

  • We Are Students And Teachers To Each Other 

  • We Can Focus On The Whole Of Life Rather Than The Fragments 

  • Since Love Is Eternal, Death Need Not Be Viewed As Fearful 

  • We Can Always Perceive Others As Either Extending Love Or Giving A Call For Help

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